Monday, November 14, 2011

4 Months of Pure Joy!!!

Today you are four months old! We had your four month appointment on Friday. We kinda cheated and went a couple days early :). You are perfect in every way. You are my little chunker...16lbs!!! You are in the 95% for weight and 55% for height! Your gorgeous! Guess what you did at your doctors appointment...YOU little missy have not been rolling over AT ALL and we have been working on it everyday BUT when we got to the doctors office and I told him that... he put you on your tummy and you looked up at him and ROLLED OVER for the FIRST time! I was one proud mommy! You did really well with your shots. The first one you didn't even cry just got a sad puppy lip but the second one must have hurt a lot more :( but once I scooped you up in my arms you were just fine! Here is a pic of you today at 4 months!

So you had your very first bite of baby food. Peas is what we tried first. You love them! Bananas is what we tried for your first fruit, I think you enjoyed them but not as much as the peas! Your daddy and I both really wanted to give you your first bite but since he works all day and doesn't get to see you as my as me I let him. You will see a video below with some pictures. You are really getting the hang of it now. You know what to do when you see the spoon coming your way. Can't wait to let you try new foods and see what you think. Daddys work gave you a really nice silver spoon with your name on it so that is what you ate off of for the first time!
Things you are loving these days are your exersaucer, your rattle, baby food,your dog Ranger, laying on your back with me while we read a book, your daddy, bath time, and your mommy! You are so much more active this month! You are on a four hour schedule so you are up for 2 hours and then asleep for 2 hours twice a day and then up for the rest of the evening till bedtime! So we get to play a lot more with you and your so so so much fun. You are full of smiles all the time. You laughed for the first time last week and it was ADORABLE. I was tickling your neck and you had the cutest laugh. Your daddy and I were very excited and proud! Oh another thing you picked up this month is sucking on your fingers! You will not take your paci anymore cause all you want are you fingers. Your index and middle finger. That is how you put yourself to sleep. We also stopped swaddling you this month and you love it. Your arms are free!!! Here is a picture of you sleeping...

Some fun things we did this past month were Halloween with you in your cute pumpkin tutu...

Hanging out with Granny and your cousin Ansley over at Aunt Kortneys house...

Playing with your toys...

We are heading back to Arkansas for Thanksgiving. I am sure you will have so much fun being around all the family. I am excited for everyone to see how much you have changed over the past month! It is amazing how fast you learn things! Your daddy and I love you more everyday. I thank God every single day for such a precious gift. Can't wait to see what you do this month!   

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

3 Months and Oh so Fun!

Well Little Missy you are 3 months old now....well more like 3 1/2. You are so much fun and full of smiles. We just got back from spending a whole week in Fayetteville and you were so good. I was ready to get you home so I could have you to myself though :). We got your pictures taken while we were in Arkansas and I can't wait to see them. We did have to change your outfit SEVERAL times because of all the spit up but you did so good. The sweet little hat you are wearing in your pictures your Granny made for you! The photographer has only posted 2 so far and here they are...

You are so much more active these days. You are busy in your play pen, exersaucer, jump n go, and you went to the park for the first time to swing! You love staying busy but I will tell you what you DON"T like and that is tummy time! You want nothing to do with it. I am a total push over and don't make you do it too long because it's so sad to hear you cry it out. I do make you do a little everyday though. Here are a few pics of all the new activities you like...
Have I mentioned that you LOVE your baby bjorn (back pack thing). Once I figured that out shopping is so much easier and fun with you. You love to be facing out and looking at all the things around you. You don't mind your stroller but you don't last very long in it before you get mad so we use the baby bjorn A LOT! Although you are starting to get a little heavy missy so we will see how long we can use it! Here's a pic of us shopping with your cousins Dalton and Hadley. I think Aunt Kortney and Ansley are taking the pic for us!
Our dog Ranger is really starting to be interested in you. He loves licking your feet and hands. He tried to lick your face but we say NO to that! We were really worried about how he was going to do with you but he has done great and you can tell he loves you. He doesn't like it when you cry, he looks at me like go and get her! He does love to eat your hair bows and that obviously doesn't go over well with me! These two boys love you very much!!! 
Your going to be a cute little pumpkin for your First Halloween! We have a party with our Sunday school class this week so I will be taking lots of pictures of you in your cute costume! You have some really cute Halloween outfits that we got for you, here is one of them...
I love you so so so much! It has been an incredible three months! Can't wait to see what month 4 brings!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2 months!!!

Getting so big so fast! You had your 2 month check up and you are one healthy girl! You are 11.8 pounds and happy! I love your sweet chubby cheeks! Your shots were very sad but you did soooo good. You cried for just a second and then you were okay. You are a tough girl! You have been such an angel and you are so much fun. You are sleeping really well through the night and giving mommy plenty of sleep...thank you! Here is a pic of you before we went to your two month check up...
Tummy time is not your favorite thing to do although some days you do okay. I hate making you do tummy time because you cry most of the time. I usually give in and pick you up right away. You don't mind your tummy mat but you hate laying straight on the floor. I have these black and white cards I put in front of you and you seem to really enjoy staring at them. You are holding your head up really started holding your head up extremely early. Here is a pic of tummy time on your tummy mat with your cards...
Getting you dressed for the day is so much fun for me. You LOVE your changing table! You love to just look around and be up high, you are all smiles up there.You really are so much fun and your daddy loves to come home and spend time with you. He picked out this outfit for you to wear and was so proud of himself and how you looked! You can see your bandaids in this picture from your shots :( and here is another picture of you in your favorite spot (your changing table)...

Have I mentioned that you have the funniest little personality! Just the looks you give are too funny. You are truly a happy baby and have the cutest little grin. I always want to know what your thinking although I am pretty sure you are always thinking how much you love me :). Here is a picture that just shows your sweet personaility...
Now don't get me wrong you do get mad at me sometimes! You pretty much cry when you are hungry or tired BUT every now and then you get sassy because you don't like something. I have the cutest little hats in every color that you look adorable in BUT you are not a big fan of them. I got you dressed for the day and you looked so cute (of course) but you decided you did not want to wear a hat that day. Here is a picture of it...oh and that cute little outfit that you have on still had the tags on it and I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it because it was a little snug on you buuuut you had a little accident in it sooooo I guess we are keeping it :)
Your cousin Dalton had his birthday party last weekend. He turned five years old! I can't believe how big he is now. He grew up so fast and I am afraid you are going to do the same thing! You and your sweet cousin Ansley wore matching ourfits to Daltons birthday party and you two were too cute! I am sure your Aunt Kortney and I will be buying you two several look alike outfits throughout the years. I am sure you two will get old enough to tell us that isn't "cool" anymore but for now it's pretty darn cute! Here is proof....
Well we are headed to Arkansas tomorrow for your daddys 10 year reunion. I am sure you will have lots of fun spending time with all your family and cheering on those HOGS! So I better go get you packed! I LOVE YOU! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Getting SO big SO fast!!!

Time is going to by so fast! Mommy is finally feeling back to normal after a rough recovery. I am so glad that I can focus all my attention on you now! You are doing so many things...holding your head up, smiling, cooing, and stealing your mommy and daddies hearts more and more every day! We love you so very much! I am now going to be writing this blog to YOU and for YOU so that you can see what you did when you were just a baby! You are the MOST beautiful thing I have ever seen! I love getting you dressed in the mornings in all of your cute little clothes. The mornings are your favorite time of day... full of smiles! We have been jogging every morning when you wake up so mommy can get back into her clothes (one of these days) and you love it! I have not updated this blog in a while so there is a lot to catch up on!

You took your first trip to Arkansas! You did AWESOME! You did so good riding in the car. You slept pretty much the whole time. I think your favorite thing to do while being in Arkansas was swinging on the front porch in Granny and Papa Lynns swing. You LOVED it! Granny and I took you on several walks around the "mountain" by Grannys house. Here is a picture of you and Granny taking a walk...

Something else you got to do while you were in Araksans was meet your baby cousin Miles and mommys best friends baby Piper. We had an afternoon of baby talk! Here is a picture of all three of you...and yes you are the one throwing a fit :). I don't think you liked the bow in your hair but you looked so darn cute!

I was so excited to get home after a week and half of being in Arkansas to see your Daddy. He missed us both so much! He likes having his girls at home! He has been working so very hard to provide for our family. He loves us very much and works so hard to make sure we have everything we need. Here is a picture of you and your daddy...

Football season has begun and we are very excited to cheer on our Razorbacks. We just had our first game of the season. We did not make it to Fayetteville for it but we did watch it from home. You wore two different Razorback outfits that day and looked ADORABLE. Your Papa John bought you a little cheerleading outfit. Here is a picture of you in it...

Another first outing was to church! You have been twice now. We were so ready to get back to church after being gone for so long. Of course EVERYBODY was so thrilled to see you. Our church family was so incredible during mommys rough recovery. They said lots of prayers for us and brought lots and lots of food so we wouldn't have to worry about anything. You really enjoyed all the music during service and then you slept the rest of the time. Here is a picture of your first trip to church in your sweet dress, you looked beautiful...
We try and go see your Aunt Kortney and your cousins Dalton, Hadley, and Ansley
 once a week. Your cousin Ansley was born two weeks after you. I am sure you both will be great friends! Your Aunt Kortney and I try and buy you both matching outfits when we can. Here is a picutre of one...
I hope I can keep this blog updated more than I have been! There is always so much to talk about since you are growing so fast! I love you very much and I think you are waking up from your afternoon nap so I am gonna go love on you!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Maebry Jean Hankins - 07/14/2011 at 3:42 PM - 7 lbs. 4 oz. 19 3/4 inches

Well our sweet little angel is here!!! She is 15 days old today and perfect in every way. I have been a little busy as you can imagine so it has been a while since I have blogged. Labor was a little rough for me to say the least but Maebry did awesome! After 3 full days at the hospital, a blood tranfusion, and several other scares we made it home and healthy!!! Josh was able to stay home a week with us and it was great! He was very sad he had to go back to work. My mom also got to stay with us for a full week and she was a HUGE help. Here she is on day one! Perfect!!!


In 2 weeks I have learned so much about her but I learn new things EVERYDAY! I am sure I will be doing this for the rest of my lfe! She loves laying on her side, she hates to be cold, loves to ride in the car, she smiles when you talk to her in a really high voice or when passing gas of course :), and most of all she loves her mommy and daddy and we love her! We have taken a few outings this week and she has been so good. It was nice for both of us to get out and about. You can only be in a house so long! Here is Maebry at 1 week...(6lb 10oz)

Thanks to Granny we have lots of pictures. Granny was Maebry's little poparazzi! Yesterday was a BIG day because Maebry's cousin Ansley was born! My sister had a sweet baby girl and we are so excited to have them so close! I am sure they will be bestest of friends! We can't wait to see her again... glad she is only about 40 minutes away! God has blessed our family with two perfect babies this month! So exciting!!! Here is a picture at 2 weeks old...(7lbs 9oz)

I love this picture!!! I was talking in a high voice and she was loving it! I can't wait to share more on here about her as the weeks progress. Josh and I are so blessed to haver her. We love her so much!             

Monday, July 11, 2011

You are ALMOST here!!!

This is the week!!!! Little Miss Maebry has been a little stubborn so unless she makes it here before Thursday July 14th we are inducing EARLY that morning! She must be really comfortable in my tummy. She is probably enjoying all the good food I am feeding her! I am so excited to meet her and see her sweet little face! All of our family is coming into town Wednesday to get ready for the big day! Josh and I are so so so excited! I think Josh is having a hard time focusing at work this week because he is so excited! Everything is ready to go so I am just enjoying my last couple days before my life is never the same. Here is a pic of me this past week. One more before she is out of my big huge belly :)

I am so excited to experience this blessing that the Lord has gifted us with. What a miracle! I can't imagine how much love I am going to have for her. I am sure it will be love at first sight!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I am ready to meet you!!!

Well.... it is getting very close! I am so excited! We had a sonogram today and everything is looking great. Pic is posted below. The 3D sonograms are just amazing! Although they do look a little weird you can still get a good idea. Of course I think she is BEAUTIFUL!!!

This is a busy weekend with July 4th and our 3rd year anniversary so maybe she will make her debut after the crazy weekend. I will of course be excited no matter when she comes but it will be difficult to plan a birthday, 4th of July, and a anniversary every year! I can't wait to post pictures of her once she is actually here. Hope there is good news soon :)

Friday, June 17, 2011


It is getting soooo close and I am so excited and ready! It is so hot here in Texas. My time has either been spent in the pool or inside with the air turned down! I am thankful I do not have to go till the end of July or August, blahhh that would be miserable! Everything is ready for our sweet Maebry so the days are a little long sometimes with nothing to do. Everyone is telling me to enjoy and sleep sleep sleep BUT I CAN'T! I guess my body is just getting prepared for the sleepless nights to come. My friend Heather and I put this hair bow frame together for her room and I LOVE IT!

We will see how much hair she has when she comes out, it may be a while before she can wear any bows but maybe not! I can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Well it is getting closer and closer and I am getting BIGGER and BIGGER! I am so glad I do not have to go through the entire summer like this because this Texas heat is insane! I am getting so excited and so anxious! I am ready to meet our sweet little girl. Her nursery is totally complete, everythings cleaned, bags packed, and we are ready to go. I am really trying to enjoy this last month but I am already getting bored and impatient. I have been to the pool almost everyday because it is GREAT to not feel all the weight that is packed on me. It is a great and much easier way to work out. If anybody has any ideas or suggestions on how to keep busy this last month, let me know!!!

Told ya I was HUGE! Its not easy being super short and super huge at the same time!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Keeping it together...

So I have discovered you have to really take care of yourself during pregnancy. There are some scary things that can creep up on your through this process. For example: FAT, stretch markes, back aches, swollen feen and hands,and much more!

Palmers lotion... I am about to start my third bottle. No stretch marks yet and I am really hoping it stays that way!!! Eliptical... Has been a great way to work out because it's not too hard on the body, although, the time I spend on it is less and less! Flip flops... AWESOME, I am starting to get cankles! The feet are looking very unattractive these days but flip flops are my saving grace! Baths... LOVE THEM! I have taken sooooo many baths through this pregnancy! It helps so much with the back aches and just relaxing!

Even though there is a lot to complain about when pregnant the excitement of meeting your sweet baby trumps it ALL!!!! I get so so so excited just thinking about her and finally getting to meet her! It may be hard and very uncomfortable at times but what a GIFT and a BLESSING! I suppose any great prize at the end requires hard work to get there!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


It is getting closer and I am getting more and more uncomfortable! Swollen feet, swollen hands, back aches, and just being plain HUGE! BUT I am so so so excited to meet little Maebry that I can get through it just fine. I honestly can't complain too much because I have had a healthy pregnancy so far and that is all that matters! My favorite part is feeling her kick! Eating chocolate, candy, or juice really gets her going. Her most active time of the day is between 8:00-10:00pm!

I bought this sweet little outfit with Kortney who also got sweet little Ansley the same exact one! We wanted them to have matching outfits, I am sure they will have many more! It is so fun to see her name on things!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

Yesterday was Mothers Day! It was a dabate... to celebrate or not to celebrate as a Mom. We did!!! It was a fun day with Josh and little Maebry in my tummy. We went to church and had a great sermon on motherhood. Grilled burgers for lunch and then met my sister and her family for dinner. I can't believe next year I will be celebrating Mothers Day with Maebry and she will almost be one. It is so exciting to think about.

I was really sad to not see my mom yesterday but that is part of living away. I have learned so much from her and I can't wait to share all she taught me, with Maebry. It is scary to think of all the ways you can go wrong when raising a child. I just hope I always remember to let the Lord lead me, so I can lead her. I am so happy that I have so many wonderful moms around me that I can ask questions and learn from.

The picture below is from dinner last night. Kortney (my sister) and I had some swollen feet. The Texas heat is starting and I am now experiencing swollen uncomfrotable feet and hands. YUK! The wedding ring is officially off. I luckily have my Grandmothers ring that is bigger that I am able to wear. My feet are proped up as I type this blog, I have a feeling I am going to be in this position a lot in the next two months!

Foot on top is mine (cheap $2.00 flip flops) and Kortneys on the bottom (cute sandals)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Baby showers!!!

My first baby shower was in Arkansas. My wonderful hosts were: Kortney, Heather, Aunt Mona, Vanessa, Jenny, Jill, Kate, and Aunt Rhonda. They did such a great job! It was so fun for everyone to get together just for Maebry. I recieved so many fun gifts. People have been so giving through my pregnancy. I am so grateful.

This adorable bird outfit and picture frame are from Mimi (Josh's mom). I love it!

Loved the way they decorated. The food was YUMMY!

It was so fun to see everyone!

This is baby Miles. Can't wait for Maebry to meet him.
 My second shower was given to me by my Sunday school class. The ladies were so sweet! I had so much fun getting to know everyone better. These girls have been so giving as well. They did an amazing job decorating as you can see from the picture below. It was so funny because I got so many cute things with birds on it and they had no idea I was doing a bird theme. They had strawberry petit fours that were to die for! I was very excited when there were some left over for me to take home :).
Beautiful decorations!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Maebry's nursery is almost completed! YAY!

I am so excited about her nursery! I knew I wanted to use really bright and fun colors. There is a painting from pottery barn kids called "Cherry Blossom" that I wanted to use as the theme. Birds. Well... as you know Pottery Barn is a little expensive so my awesome friend Heather painted one for me. It is clearly the large canvas painting above the crib. She did such a great job on it! As you will see on the other wall her name is made from wood blocks that my cousin Heather (yes same name but different person) covered in different fabrics to match the room. I LOVE them! It is so fun to see her name! The bedding is my absolute favorite. My mom worked so hard on it and did an amazing job. I found the fun bird fabric online and just knew that was what I wanted to use. Hope you have fun checking out the room!
My mom and I covered the lamp shade you see in this picture. Turned out really cute! Funny story (kinda) the bird pillow you see in the chair was actually destroyed by our dog Ranger and the awesome people at Target let me get a new one. They must have felt sorry for me.

My sister Kortney found the cute bird mobile at TJ Maxx. Matches great!

Changing table was a great find about a year ago at a garage sale. Originally I thought this would be in our dining room but plans changed :)

Here is the bedding! I want to find different color sheets. The bed skirt is the same as the lime green piping on the bumpers!