Thursday, June 30, 2011

I am ready to meet you!!!

Well.... it is getting very close! I am so excited! We had a sonogram today and everything is looking great. Pic is posted below. The 3D sonograms are just amazing! Although they do look a little weird you can still get a good idea. Of course I think she is BEAUTIFUL!!!

This is a busy weekend with July 4th and our 3rd year anniversary so maybe she will make her debut after the crazy weekend. I will of course be excited no matter when she comes but it will be difficult to plan a birthday, 4th of July, and a anniversary every year! I can't wait to post pictures of her once she is actually here. Hope there is good news soon :)

Friday, June 17, 2011


It is getting soooo close and I am so excited and ready! It is so hot here in Texas. My time has either been spent in the pool or inside with the air turned down! I am thankful I do not have to go till the end of July or August, blahhh that would be miserable! Everything is ready for our sweet Maebry so the days are a little long sometimes with nothing to do. Everyone is telling me to enjoy and sleep sleep sleep BUT I CAN'T! I guess my body is just getting prepared for the sleepless nights to come. My friend Heather and I put this hair bow frame together for her room and I LOVE IT!

We will see how much hair she has when she comes out, it may be a while before she can wear any bows but maybe not! I can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Well it is getting closer and closer and I am getting BIGGER and BIGGER! I am so glad I do not have to go through the entire summer like this because this Texas heat is insane! I am getting so excited and so anxious! I am ready to meet our sweet little girl. Her nursery is totally complete, everythings cleaned, bags packed, and we are ready to go. I am really trying to enjoy this last month but I am already getting bored and impatient. I have been to the pool almost everyday because it is GREAT to not feel all the weight that is packed on me. It is a great and much easier way to work out. If anybody has any ideas or suggestions on how to keep busy this last month, let me know!!!

Told ya I was HUGE! Its not easy being super short and super huge at the same time!