Well our sweet little angel is here!!! She is 15 days old today and perfect in every way. I have been a little busy as you can imagine so it has been a while since I have blogged. Labor was a little rough for me to say the least but Maebry did awesome! After 3 full days at the hospital, a blood tranfusion, and several other scares we made it home and healthy!!! Josh was able to stay home a week with us and it was great! He was very sad he had to go back to work. My mom also got to stay with us for a full week and she was a HUGE help. Here she is on day one! Perfect!!!
In 2 weeks I have learned so much about her but I learn new things EVERYDAY! I am sure I will be doing this for the rest of my lfe! She loves laying on her side, she hates to be cold, loves to ride in the car, she smiles when you talk to her in a really high voice or when passing gas of course :), and most of all she loves her mommy and daddy and we love her! We have taken a few outings this week and she has been so good. It was nice for both of us to get out and about. You can only be in a house so long! Here is Maebry at 1 week...(6lb 10oz)
Thanks to Granny we have lots of pictures. Granny was Maebry's little poparazzi! Yesterday was a BIG day because Maebry's cousin Ansley was born! My sister had a sweet baby girl and we are so excited to have them so close! I am sure they will be bestest of friends! We can't wait to see her again... glad she is only about 40 minutes away! God has blessed our family with two perfect babies this month! So exciting!!! Here is a picture at 2 weeks old...(7lbs 9oz)
I love this picture!!! I was talking in a high voice and she was loving it! I can't wait to share more on here about her as the weeks progress. Josh and I are so blessed to haver her. We love her so much!