Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2 months!!!

Getting so big so fast! You had your 2 month check up and you are one healthy girl! You are 11.8 pounds and happy! I love your sweet chubby cheeks! Your shots were very sad but you did soooo good. You cried for just a second and then you were okay. You are a tough girl! You have been such an angel and you are so much fun. You are sleeping really well through the night and giving mommy plenty of sleep...thank you! Here is a pic of you before we went to your two month check up...
Tummy time is not your favorite thing to do although some days you do okay. I hate making you do tummy time because you cry most of the time. I usually give in and pick you up right away. You don't mind your tummy mat but you hate laying straight on the floor. I have these black and white cards I put in front of you and you seem to really enjoy staring at them. You are holding your head up really well...you started holding your head up extremely early. Here is a pic of tummy time on your tummy mat with your cards...
Getting you dressed for the day is so much fun for me. You LOVE your changing table! You love to just look around and be up high, you are all smiles up there.You really are so much fun and your daddy loves to come home and spend time with you. He picked out this outfit for you to wear and was so proud of himself and how you looked! You can see your bandaids in this picture from your shots :( and here is another picture of you in your favorite spot (your changing table)...

Have I mentioned that you have the funniest little personality! Just the looks you give are too funny. You are truly a happy baby and have the cutest little grin. I always want to know what your thinking although I am pretty sure you are always thinking how much you love me :). Here is a picture that just shows your sweet personaility...
Now don't get me wrong you do get mad at me sometimes! You pretty much cry when you are hungry or tired BUT every now and then you get sassy because you don't like something. I have the cutest little hats in every color that you look adorable in BUT you are not a big fan of them. I got you dressed for the day and you looked so cute (of course) but you decided you did not want to wear a hat that day. Here is a picture of it...oh and that cute little outfit that you have on still had the tags on it and I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it because it was a little snug on you buuuut you had a little accident in it sooooo I guess we are keeping it :)
Your cousin Dalton had his birthday party last weekend. He turned five years old! I can't believe how big he is now. He grew up so fast and I am afraid you are going to do the same thing! You and your sweet cousin Ansley wore matching ourfits to Daltons birthday party and you two were too cute! I am sure your Aunt Kortney and I will be buying you two several look alike outfits throughout the years. I am sure you two will get old enough to tell us that isn't "cool" anymore but for now it's pretty darn cute! Here is proof....
Well we are headed to Arkansas tomorrow for your daddys 10 year reunion. I am sure you will have lots of fun spending time with all your family and cheering on those HOGS! So I better go get you packed! I LOVE YOU! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Getting SO big SO fast!!!

Time is going to by so fast! Mommy is finally feeling back to normal after a rough recovery. I am so glad that I can focus all my attention on you now! You are doing so many things...holding your head up, smiling, cooing, and stealing your mommy and daddies hearts more and more every day! We love you so very much! I am now going to be writing this blog to YOU and for YOU so that you can see what you did when you were just a baby! You are the MOST beautiful thing I have ever seen! I love getting you dressed in the mornings in all of your cute little clothes. The mornings are your favorite time of day... full of smiles! We have been jogging every morning when you wake up so mommy can get back into her clothes (one of these days) and you love it! I have not updated this blog in a while so there is a lot to catch up on!

You took your first trip to Arkansas! You did AWESOME! You did so good riding in the car. You slept pretty much the whole time. I think your favorite thing to do while being in Arkansas was swinging on the front porch in Granny and Papa Lynns swing. You LOVED it! Granny and I took you on several walks around the "mountain" by Grannys house. Here is a picture of you and Granny taking a walk...

Something else you got to do while you were in Araksans was meet your baby cousin Miles and mommys best friends baby Piper. We had an afternoon of baby talk! Here is a picture of all three of you...and yes you are the one throwing a fit :). I don't think you liked the bow in your hair but you looked so darn cute!

I was so excited to get home after a week and half of being in Arkansas to see your Daddy. He missed us both so much! He likes having his girls at home! He has been working so very hard to provide for our family. He loves us very much and works so hard to make sure we have everything we need. Here is a picture of you and your daddy...

Football season has begun and we are very excited to cheer on our Razorbacks. We just had our first game of the season. We did not make it to Fayetteville for it but we did watch it from home. You wore two different Razorback outfits that day and looked ADORABLE. Your Papa John bought you a little cheerleading outfit. Here is a picture of you in it...

Another first outing was to church! You have been twice now. We were so ready to get back to church after being gone for so long. Of course EVERYBODY was so thrilled to see you. Our church family was so incredible during mommys rough recovery. They said lots of prayers for us and brought lots and lots of food so we wouldn't have to worry about anything. You really enjoyed all the music during service and then you slept the rest of the time. Here is a picture of your first trip to church in your sweet dress, you looked beautiful...
We try and go see your Aunt Kortney and your cousins Dalton, Hadley, and Ansley
 once a week. Your cousin Ansley was born two weeks after you. I am sure you both will be great friends! Your Aunt Kortney and I try and buy you both matching outfits when we can. Here is a picutre of one...
I hope I can keep this blog updated more than I have been! There is always so much to talk about since you are growing so fast! I love you very much and I think you are waking up from your afternoon nap so I am gonna go love on you!