Monday, November 14, 2011

4 Months of Pure Joy!!!

Today you are four months old! We had your four month appointment on Friday. We kinda cheated and went a couple days early :). You are perfect in every way. You are my little chunker...16lbs!!! You are in the 95% for weight and 55% for height! Your gorgeous! Guess what you did at your doctors appointment...YOU little missy have not been rolling over AT ALL and we have been working on it everyday BUT when we got to the doctors office and I told him that... he put you on your tummy and you looked up at him and ROLLED OVER for the FIRST time! I was one proud mommy! You did really well with your shots. The first one you didn't even cry just got a sad puppy lip but the second one must have hurt a lot more :( but once I scooped you up in my arms you were just fine! Here is a pic of you today at 4 months!

So you had your very first bite of baby food. Peas is what we tried first. You love them! Bananas is what we tried for your first fruit, I think you enjoyed them but not as much as the peas! Your daddy and I both really wanted to give you your first bite but since he works all day and doesn't get to see you as my as me I let him. You will see a video below with some pictures. You are really getting the hang of it now. You know what to do when you see the spoon coming your way. Can't wait to let you try new foods and see what you think. Daddys work gave you a really nice silver spoon with your name on it so that is what you ate off of for the first time!
Things you are loving these days are your exersaucer, your rattle, baby food,your dog Ranger, laying on your back with me while we read a book, your daddy, bath time, and your mommy! You are so much more active this month! You are on a four hour schedule so you are up for 2 hours and then asleep for 2 hours twice a day and then up for the rest of the evening till bedtime! So we get to play a lot more with you and your so so so much fun. You are full of smiles all the time. You laughed for the first time last week and it was ADORABLE. I was tickling your neck and you had the cutest laugh. Your daddy and I were very excited and proud! Oh another thing you picked up this month is sucking on your fingers! You will not take your paci anymore cause all you want are you fingers. Your index and middle finger. That is how you put yourself to sleep. We also stopped swaddling you this month and you love it. Your arms are free!!! Here is a picture of you sleeping...

Some fun things we did this past month were Halloween with you in your cute pumpkin tutu...

Hanging out with Granny and your cousin Ansley over at Aunt Kortneys house...

Playing with your toys...

We are heading back to Arkansas for Thanksgiving. I am sure you will have so much fun being around all the family. I am excited for everyone to see how much you have changed over the past month! It is amazing how fast you learn things! Your daddy and I love you more everyday. I thank God every single day for such a precious gift. Can't wait to see what you do this month!