We took you to the aquarium a few weeks ago and you loved it. You were so good the entire time. You stared at all the animals and just looked around everywhere we walked. It was our first big family outing to somewhere big like that. So fun!
The blue bonnets are beautiful this year so your Granny and I took you to a field close to the house and had a little mini photo shoot. We also took some pics of you around the neighborhood with some other pretty flowers. You are definitely use to the camera by now.
Still no teeth this month but I definitely think they are coming soon! You are not only standing now but you are cruising around while holding things. There is one toy that you are absolutely in love with right now. You wake up wanting to play with it. We took it to Fayetteville with us and you played and played and played with it. Don't worry we brought it back home with us too. You have started eating a few finger foods. There are these rice cakes called mum mums and you love them. I can't believe you are almost 9 months. Now I know why EVERYONE tells you it flys by....cause it does! We love you more than words can say! God has truly blessed us!