So as you can see from the title of this post I have started calling you Mili and Mili Bear. It fits you so well. You are so darn cute! I think my favorite thing right now is going to pick you up from your crib and seeing your head pop up with the cutest smile on it. You are such a happy baby. Of course you do let us know when you are not happy. As long as I pick you up and hold you, you are fine. You are a mamas girl, although, you are starting to really like your daddy these days. I am prepared for having two daddy's girls. I am ok with that as long as I still get a lot of snuggles from you and your sister. Speaking of two are really starting to interact. Maebry asks about you every time I put you down for your morning nap. She says "Emilia go"?, "Emilia sleeping?". Its sweet. I could freeze time with you two right now. Here you two are...(beautiful girls)!

So you were a little pumpkin for Halloween! ADORABLE! Maebry was a pumpkin her first Halloween as well but a butterfly this year . We spent Halloween in Fayetteville. It was a lot of fun. Your Mimi, Granny n Papa, and Papi all got to see you. You are loved SO MUCH! Here you are in your costume...
I can't believe next month you will be 6 months. Time is flying way way way too fast! I know I say this a lot but you are such a joy. I try and take in every moment with you and all your new skills you acquire everyday. I LOVE YOU MILI BEAR!