Wednesday, November 14, 2012

16 months and your going to be a BIG SISTER!!!


Well, it has been a while since I have posted a new blog. Since your first birthday, ooops! You are 16 months old today. The big news is your going to be a big sister! I am 3 months pregnant right now so you two will be 22 months apart! I am so excited for you to have a brother or a sister so close in age. We will find out in about 3-4 weeks if it is a brother or a sister. I have a feeling it is a boy BUT who knows. I had a feeling you were a girl when I was pregnant and was obviously right about that one. These last 3 months have been very tiring but you have been such a trooper! You are very independent at home and are very good about entertaining yourself. You still LOVE to read books. You will sit in your room and read and read and read! You are really starting to say a lot of words too. Your favorite word right now is "please" because you think if you say it you can get exactly what you want. It is kinda true. Here you are reading...
Halloween was so much fun with you this year. We dressed you up as a little duck and you were adorable! Daddy was working long hours so we went to Fayetteville and trick or treated there with everyone. You waddled up and down the sidewalk and loved every minute of it. You cared nothing about the candy but I did! I had all sorts of treats that night thanks to you! You were very proud to wear your costume! You love getting dressed up in hats so you left it on all night. Here you are with Mimi and Granny...
Oh another new favorite thing you have is your tent! You spend a lot of the day in the tent that we got you. You have two different ones. One is a tee pee and the other is a princess tent. You crawl back and forth with your toys. Too cute. Your daddy loves to get in it too. It is usually the first thing he does with you when he gets home from work!
We love you very much and you are so much fun these days! Next time I blog we should know if you are gonna be having a brother or sister! Yay!!!

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